My Little Star - Best of the Android Galaxy
Best of the Android galaxy
My Little Star is one app you'll want to keep close at hand when you're out and about. It's got a ton of cool features, like an impressively detailed 3D map of the night sky and a star-gazing mode that'll keep you occupied long after your significant other has gone to bed. It also has some nifty tricks up its sleeve, including an augmented-reality feature that'll let you identify some of the more interesting stars in the night sky with the touch of a button. It's also got a cool looking tinier avatar that can be installed on your desktop computer for a truly mobile-to-mobile experience. The app itself is no slouch, with an impressive 6.7 MB download size, and it's free to boot. It's got all the fancy schmancy features you could expect from an Android app, and is compatible with a wide range of devices, from the entry level smartphone to the high end tablet.